AI Engine

Brilliance paired with creativity and precision

Developed to outperform the Status Quo

Our AI-Engine

Our artificial intelligence engine includes a number of different programs that provide infrastructure and tools for developing highly accurate biomarkers for a variety of healthcare applications. Our AI engine is equipped with a range of AI capabilities. The main areas of focus are machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and predictive analytics.

We use high-performance computing to solve most advanced problems. In addition, our AI has solutions for efficient AI model creation and management, data preparation, model training, testing, and deployment.

Data Points Analysed
Projects Successfully Completed
Indications Completed


with 5 leading Pharma companies

Tackling the most complex challenges in Life Science

Delivering outstanding biomarkers

AI Engine Genexpressionsanalyse

Our AI platform combines a number of key innovations developed by our interdisciplinary team.

We combine exact calculations with a special AI concept, increase reproducibility through Monto Carlo simulations, and use graphics cards to accelerate the extremely computationally intensive AI algorithms.

What we can do for you

Why work with us?

Rely on our extensive combined experience obtained in biomarker projects for multiple applications, e.g. diagnostics, prediction , prognostics.

Your project is unique. We deep dive into the specifics of your project and adapt our AI-approach to deliver superior results.

One stop shop: apart from the AI-Engine for biomarker development, we offer large scale data acquisition as well as software development in compliance to IEC62304 regulations for medical devices.

Our biomarkers are robust and enable a straightforward translation into a diagnostic product.